私たちは、このような内容をもった教育について適当な訳語を見つけることができなかった。そこで、ごく一般的な意味でのArt Educationに当たる日本語のZUKOという発音のまま、この活動を紹介したい。
Focus on
“ZUKO” to the World !
The art education which we are aiming is neither educationismic education which sets its goal mainly for the conveyance of the art cultures nor the sentimental education which is for mental stability or the establishment of sound personality by art, rather not the technical education which is for the acquirement of the certain expressional methods.
What we are aiming is to draw out the energy of life in children by creative methods and to satisfy their hearts and daily lives.
This was originally a method of art. The absolute difference, however, is that the main actors are “children”.
Therefore from the beginning there is nothing to do with the completion. We sometimes do not require them to be a piece of work.
Discoveries unique to children, living activities, fresh encounters and surprises from the outer world, play and laughter; these are our theme for the activity.
It is because we consider that the society which children live childrenly is the peaceful and hopeful society.
We have not found any proper translated term for the education which has such contents. Then we would like to introduce this activity of us to use the Japanese word “ZUKO”, for the very general meanings of “art education”.
It is because this“ZUKO”is the education which has the new principle.
We launch“ZUKO”to the world from Japan.
ZUKO to the world !
Contemporary Japanese Art Education
校庭に小屋を建てる…内野 務…6
のびのびパフォーマンス…横内 克之…8
空間を遊ぶ…時任 勝…10
カラフル・アンブレラ…辻 政博…12
水のカタチ…柴 裕…14
交わる軌跡…加藤 貴子…16
2つの目で描く…大畑 祐之…18
お絵かき段ボール…岡田 京子…20
色と形と風景と…南 育子…22
色と遊ぶ…鈴木 陽子…24
空想建築家…本間 基史…28
子どものいる場所…高橋 香苗…30
自分の美術館をつくる…中村 隆介…32
ボックスアート…鈴石 弘之…34
色水遊び…横内 克之…36
つなげる…鈴石 弘之…38
ひと…鈴石 弘之…40
いきもの…鈴石 弘之……42
Building small houses in the schoolyard…Tsutomu Uchino…6
Nobinobi (relaxing) performance…Katsuyuki Yokouchi…8
Play with space…Masaru Tokitou…10
Colorful umbrellas…Masahiro Tsuji…12
Forms of water…Hiroshi Sibazaki…14
Crossing tracks…Takako Kato…16
Drawing with 2 eyes…Hiroyuki Ohata…18
Drawing on cardboard…Kyoko Okada…20
Colors, Shapes and Scener…Ikuko Minami…22
Play with color…Yoko Suzuki…24
Dyeing…Yuriko Hocho…26
Dreaming Architects…Motofumi Honma…28
Places where children are…Kanae Takahashi…30
Produce Our Own Museums…Ryusuke Nakamura…32
Box Art…Hiroyuki Suzuishi…34
Play with colored water…Katsuyuki Yokouchi…36
Connect…Hiroyuki Suzuishi…38
Human being…Hiroyuki Suzuishi…40
Creatures…Hiroyuki Suzuishi…42
現代に生きるプラグマティズムの復権を(下)浜本 昌宏…44
新刊紹介 藤澤 英昭--- 50
『図工室にいこう こどもがつくるたのしい時間』
美術手帖編集部 編、東京都図画工作研究会 協力
『新学習指導要領対応 よくわかる図画工作科『評価』のしかた』
佐々木達行・小林貴史 編著
InSEAニュース 岩崎由紀夫--- 52
*授業研究、熊本文庫主要文献解題、Computer Now、幼児のひろば、は休載しました。
translated by : Takako kato (Seishin daisan elementary school:Edogawa-ku,TOKYO) ,
Tomohiro Arai,
Miyoshi Horie, Shintaro Tomita